About Me

Basics about me

People call me Lheng. That's my nickname. I doesn't sound anywhere near my real name which is Crystel but my grandfather gave that nickname. My grandfather is a pure chinese so he couldn't pronounce my name so thats where it all starts. I am 25years old as of the moment. I am married. No kids yet. I love cosmetics, clothes, shoes and pretty much all the kikay stuffs but i'm not a huge fan of bags which i find weird about myself. I know bags can be a good accessory and can complete the whole outfit but i don't know.. i like bags.. but i don't like spending for bags. ofcourse i gotta have atleast one but unless its necessary i wont buy one. i love watching just about anything on youtube especially make up tutorials ofcourse. i do own quite a lot of cosmetics but i only buy drugstore cosmetics because i just love make up but i don't wear make up regularly. i have never hit a single pan in my entire life so buying expensive cosmetics is not practical for me i would say. Buying cosmetics is a joy for me... Sephora is how i picture paradise!  i just love them! i wish i could use them all the time. But you see i've learned a lot from watching tutorials... i know quite a lot when it comes to make up techniques, kinds and brands but the funny thing is.. i can only apply what i've learned at home so here i am coming back to the basics over and over again whenever i'm out because putting on heavy make up is not appropriate for me... my friends don't usually go clubbing so they don't wear heavy make ups as well. I'd look kinda dramatic if i wear a lot of makeup when im with them. 

I love cooking, i love watching all sorts of cooking show but i don't get to cook often for some reason. I love filipino foods. My favorite foods are sweet corns, nuts, chicken, sea foods.  I love reading books before going to sleep. I love junkfoods and sodas! i drink 2 liters of iced tea a day (yeah i know it's bad i can't help it!) I love taking pictures. I enjoy simple pleasures in life like i prefer sleeping in my own bed than in a hotel or i enjoy home cooked dishes than dishes in a fancy restaurant.

My greatest fears are cockroaches and death of my loved ones. I always pray to God to please let me die first before my husband, family, friends. I actually don't know how to deal with it if that happens. 

What I Love About Myself
i do have a lot of friends and i don't know why but people tend to share their problems and secrets with me even if i just met them or i haven't seen them for a long time. I think they are just comfortable with me and i think it is a blessing. Their trust means so much to me. I have a wonderful husband, family who loves me so much and friends whos always there for me.

What I Hate About Myself
Physically, i hate a lot about my looks. like my facial skin tone is darker than my body, i have a lot of freckles, i have super short lashes, i have pigmented lips. i have high hairline and a huge forehead which wont allow me to tie up my hair, i have huge thighs and a lot more haha!

Personally, i hate how i became so dependent. i hate being alone that's why i got used to having someone beside me and that made me dependent. i am lazy like super lazy so that made me a  lousy wife.i hate how i procrastinate. i hate how i refuse to go out my comfort zone. i am sometimes selfish. I wish i could do something to change them. I'm trying consistently though.